New addition to the Phillips household
Robin became a father on July 29th, Amelie Rose Phillips was born at 3am, weighing 7lb4oz. Mother and baby are both doing well.
Jazz FM gig and broadcast
Robin has been selected as one of the hot emerging artists on the London jazz scene and will perform for the Jazz FM Discovery Show on Wednesday 27th July, at 20:00.
Robin will perform with his quartet including Gareth Lumbers (sax), Claire Brock (drums), and Vil Hais (bass) at the new Boisdale jazz venue in Canary Wharf, where the gig will be recorded by Jazz FM.
The gig will then be broadcast along with an interview with Robin on Tuesday 2nd August at 21:00 on Mike Vitti’s Jazz FM Discovery Show.
Tickets for the gig are available by clicking here.
For more information about Robin and his quartet click here.